How Ajungnetworks Achieved the Management of 16,000 Monthly Customers Through In-house CRM Development

Ajungnetworks, Inc. (Ajungdang)
Ajungnetworks Inc. (Ajungdang) is Korea's leading life solution company, integrating into daily lives with familiar products and services.
Pursuing customer convenience and ease exclusively, Ajungdang is a venture company that achieved sales of 51.3 billion won within just 2 years and 6 months of its establishment without any external investment.
Ajungdang is striving to resolve the information asymmetry that has been a long-standing problem in the market and provide accurate information and transparent services to customers.
In addition to the existing internet, communication, and home appliance rental services, Ajungdang is rapidly expanding its business into areas closely related to daily life, such as mobile, MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator), moving services, insurance, and finance.
Name Ajungnetworks, Inc.
Area Life solutions
Estab. June, 2021
Difficulties in Developing the System In-house and Building the Infrastructure
Q. What were the challenges you faced before meeting SmileShark?
A. As our business grew, we experienced a rapid increase in customer inflow and traffic, and we began to feel the limitations of our existing customer management system.
We were dissatisfied with standardized, one-way communication through chatbots or GPT. We wanted to provide a Customer Relationship Management Process Maintenance Web System (CRMS) where managers with specialized knowledge in each service sector directly managed the customer relationship system.

We urgently needed a systematic and advanced system for customer CS and CX managers. To address this, we decided to develop our own service using the cloud.
However, we faced many difficulties in planning and configuring the infrastructure on our own, which made it clear that we needed external support.
Why Ajungnetworks Chose SmileShark
Q. So, what made you choose SmileShark?
A. We chose SmileShark because they demonstrated the ability to minimize the learning curve and quickly deploy and test applications through AWS ECS, meeting our requirements.
Ajungnetworks was considering introducing container-based workloads for the development of its own service on the cloud.
We had concerns about which service would be suitable for container-based workloads and how to efficiently manage the infrastructure.
Introduced to SmileShark through AWS, we received in-depth information about SmileShark's various services, expertise, and processes during the initial meeting.
SmileShark confidently assured us that they could provide the necessary support we needed, such as technical support, cost management, and infrastructure inspections.
"If you are planning to set up an initial system and introduce services related to AWS cloud, we recommend collaborating with SmileShark."
- Hyunki Kim, Research Director of Ajungnetworks, Inc.
Container-based workloads through SmileShark's support
CI/CD build-up service that enabled the implementation of microarchitecture
Q. How was the CI/CD build-up service through SmileShark?
A. With the introduction of AWS Code Series, we were able to quickly implement a microarchitecture that builds container images and deploys containers to AWS ECS service based on the built images when a specific action occurs from Bitbucket as the source.
To efficiently use container-based microarchitecture, it was necessary to maintain Bitbucket, which we used as an application source code version control tool, and integrate it with AWS CI/CD services.
SmileShark suggested introducing AWS Code Series to maintain Bitbucket and integrate it with the AWS environment.
The CRMS system and process itself are heavy, and there are many difficulties because it requires a simultaneous understanding of practical and developmental perspectives.
Especially when configuring the code pipeline, we were able to solve the daunting and overwhelming problems through SmileShark's technical support service.
Q. What are the advantages of SmileShark that you felt during the cloud implementation process?
A. While working with SmileShark, we received significant assistance in configuring CRMS. The inquiry procedures and processing processes related to technical issues were straightforward, and faster processing was possible with the care of a dedicated manager. In addition, they always responded kindly to complex inquiries and simple questions, which allowed us to increase work efficiency.
AWS Cost and Operation Optimization Consulting
Q. How was SmileShark's cost optimization consulting?
A. By receiving cost-related metrics and analyzing the data, we understood the expected level of expenditure. However, due to internal priorities, we have not yet implemented the cost optimization report provided by SmileShark.

Q. Lastly, do you have any advice for those considering choosing SmileShark?
A. If you are planning to set up an initial system and implement services related to AWS cloud, I recommend collaborating with SmileShark.
You can professionally and systematically access various services, and for those looking for a collaborative relationship where both operators and practitioners can be satisfied, SmileShark will be a good partner.
Ajungnetworks' Future Plan
Ajungnetworks Inc. has solidified its position as the number one company in the existing internet, communication, and rental business sectors. Simultaneously, it continues to expand its existing business areas, such as mobile, MVNO, moving services, insurance, and finance, closely related to our daily lives. Ajungnetworks will continue to take on new challenges, such as creating a Web & App community platform for self-employed individuals.
As each business sector is rapidly growing, Ajungnetworks plans to enhance CRMS with additional functions tailored to each business group using AWS services.
Detailed services applied to Ajungnetworks
What is SmileShark's Build-up Service?
The build-up service is where SmileShark's cloud engineers and solution architects provide solutions and hands-on support for the challenges faced by customers through the rapid implementation of AWS and accurate specification proposals.
SmileShark, as an AWS Premier Consulting Partner, possesses definite and accurate knowledge and track record in optimal configuration design, migration, and operation management.
The build-up service applied to Ajungnetworks is CI/CD build-up, which is suitable for companies that require automation of software development or deployment processes through continuous integration and deployment, and for those who want to quickly provide high-quality software.
It guarantees stable deployment through the construction and management of CI/CD pipelines and test automation.
Ajungnetworks' Architecture

Introduced SmileShark Services
SmileShark Build Up | Accurate infra suggestion / Rapid deployment support
SmileShark Tech Support | Get expert guidance and assistance achieving your objectives